
十大网赌平台拥有非常多样化的学生群体. 我们的本科生来自世界各地, but all have one thing in common: a desire to challenge convention and change our world.

国际学生可以选择申请 常规的决定提早行动 or 早期的决定 候选人,遵循与其他申请人相同的申请截止日期.



  • 不适合你.S. 公民身份
  • 不适合你.S. 永久居留权(绿卡持有者)

我们寻求想要参与并以社区为导向的学生, 还有那些相信通过提升自己, 他们有责任改善自己的生活, 环境, 系统, 和工具. There is no one right way to move forward — so there is no one way to be a Clarkie.

国际学生可以选择申请 常规的决定提早行动 or 早期的决定 候选人,遵循与所有其他申请人相同的申请截止日期.


请确保所有申请文件以英文提交. You may include both the original documents and their certified translations into English.

  • 常见的应用程序, OR 联盟应用程序与Scoir. 没有申请费.
  • 成绩单(s)
    • 成绩单(s) must include the last three years of education and may be submitted through the 常见的应用程序 or Coalition Application (preferred), 或者直接把文件发邮件到 intadmissions@776pt.com.
  • 2推荐信
    • Please provide 2 recommendation letters—one from your school counselor and one from a teacher. Your recommenders can submit their letters via the 常见的应用程序 or Coalition Application (preferred) or email them directly to intadmissions@776pt.com. 如果你的学校没有学校辅导员或大学顾问, 请提交两名学术老师的推荐信.
  • 英语语言能力证明(见下文附加信息)
  • SAT或ACT成绩 (所有学生可选)
    • 学校代码:SAT: 003279, ACT: 1808
  • CSS档案 (只适用于申请按需资助)

如果英语不是你的母语,你必须提供官方证明 托福考试雅思考试Duolingo, or 皮尔森PTE 分数报告. 你的英语水平将被全面评估, 考虑到你的分数, 成绩单, 文章, 以及推荐信.

如果你参加过托福考试, 雅思或培生PTE考试, we prefer receiving official test scores directly from the testing agency although we accept a scanned copy sent by you or your counselor/teacher to intadmissions@776pt.com. 如果你参加过多邻国英语测试, 请确保官方成绩直接从多邻国门户网站发送.

虽然我们没有具体的最低分数, below are general indicators of the minimum English proficiency for studying at Clark. 请注意,满足这些指标并不保证入学:

  • 托福网考:总分85分,各科成绩均不低于20分; or
  • 雅思:6.总分5分,所有分项得分均低于6分; or
  • 多邻国:总分120分,所有分项得分均在100分以下; or
  • PTE:总分61分,所有分项得分均低于55分

If we find that you meet the academic requirements for admission to 十大网赌平台 but may benefit from additional language support, 我们会推荐我们的 学术成功英语计划 or 本科衔接课程. 这取决于你的英语水平, you may spend one to four semesters in one of these programs before transitioning to the undergraduate degree program.


面试是可选的,但强烈鼓励. 面试可以让我们在你的申请范围之外了解你, 你可以从学生或教职员的角度来了解十大平台网赌.

面向国际学生, interview can also be used as a supplementary measurement of your English proficiency.


所有本科录取学生, 不论国籍, 会自动获得优秀奖学金吗, 而且不需要单独申请. International students can also 应用 (即 金融援助 by completing the CSS档案 at CSS档案.

十大平台网赌提供了极具竞争力的服务 总统奖学金,包括学费、住宿费和食宿费. 每年奖励3-5名学生, 受助人须负责额外费用共计约10美元,000元/年. 申请总统奖学金, first-year applicants for the Fall semester can indicate their interest on their application. Additional instructions for 应用ing for the 总统奖学金 will be sent via email shortly after submitting the application.

十大网赌平台为国际学生提供奖学金和助学金, 它可能不包括所有的教育费用. Typically, international students pay around $40,000元/年 after considering scholarships and aid. 我们每年的总费用约为75,000美元.

请注意, 我们的录取过程是有需求的, 这意味着学生和家庭的支付能力可能会影响录取决定. An application may be denied if a student’s indicated financial need exceeds what we can offer through scholarships and aid.

有关优秀奖学金、经济援助和费用的更多细节, 见费用和财政援助.


十大网赌平台 offers advanced standing credit for certain academic programs completed prior to enrollment. This includes Advanced Placement (AP), British A-Level, and the International Baccalaureate (IB).

另外, other international programs that may qualify for advanced standing credit include the Ontario 13th Year, 魁北克生源,, 德国高中会考文凭, 瑞士结业证书, 意大利MATURITA, 法国或摩洛哥学士学位, 和CAPE文凭. Evaluation for advanced standing credit for other programs is done on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions about advanced standing credit eligibility, please contact the 学术谘询处寻求帮助.


请不要犹豫,给我们发电子邮件 intadmissions@776pt.com 如需进一步协助.


Clark’s 美国语言文化协会 (ALCI) offers multiple programs for international students to meet their English language learning goals, 与学位课程同时进行或为学位课程做准备.


我们很多. 我们是一体.

十大网赌平台的范围和精神都是全球性的. 见见智利的何塞·卡斯蒂略·黑山, 谁来解释十大网赌平台的国际学生是什么样的.



The 国际学生学者办公室 is your one stop for information about immigration, 在美国的生活, 为国际学生提供学生支持服务.


学生俱乐部 & 组织

Clark offers more than 130 student clubs and organizations that allow you to indulge your passions and connect with your community. 其中包括致力于世界各地文化的团体.



十大网赌平台 is proud to be a Davis 联合世界大学学者计划 partner institution. 在这种合作关系下, students who graduate from a United World College school can receive a need-based grant of up to $15,000元/年 from the Shelby Davis family towards the costs of undergraduate study at 十大网赌平台.

十大网赌平台,UWC的学生得到同样的考虑 优异奖学金,包括总统奖学金 和其他学生一样. However, we are typically able to provide funding up to the cost of tuition for a strong UWC student. 这笔资金将结合十大平台网赌的优秀奖学金, UWC补助金, 十大平台网赌需要通过CSS配置文件申请资金.



  • 你不持有U.S. 公民身份
  • 你不持有U.S. 永久居留权(绿卡持有者)

If English is not your native language, you need to submit evidence of English proficiency. 详情请参阅我们的 英语要求.

Can I have my teacher or counselor send an unofficial 分数报告 for English proficiency?

如果你参加过托福考试, 雅思或培生PTE考试, we prefer receiving official test scores directly from the testing agency although we accept a scanned copy sent by you or your counselor/teacher to intadmissions@776pt.com. 如果你参加过多邻国英语测试, 请确保官方成绩直接从多邻国门户网站发送.


在你提交申请几天后, 您将获得所有申请材料的在线清单. You can use this checklist to see whether we have received your scores and other materials.


You’ll need to submit a minimum of three complete years of educational data in order for Clark to properly evaluate your education. 对于像中国这样的国家的学生, 哪个国家采用6-3-3教育体系, we’ll need a 成绩单 from your middle school showing results from at least the final/third year (the U.S. equivalent of “9th grade”) in addition to the first two years of your three-year secondary school. 我们不能审核只有两年学历的申请, 所以一定要在截止日期前收到你们所有的成绩单.


面试是可选的,但强烈鼓励. 面试可以让我们在你的申请范围之外了解你, 你可以从学生或教职员的角度来了解十大平台网赌.

面向国际学生, interview can also be used as a supplementary measurement of your English proficiency.


Can I still 应用 to Clark without having met the English requirement or the interview requirement?

If we find that you meet the academic requirements for admission to 十大网赌平台 but may benefit from additional language support, 我们会推荐我们的
学术成功英语计划 or 本科衔接课程. 这取决于你的英语水平, you may spend one to four semesters in one of these programs before transitioning to the undergraduate degree program.


是的. 所有国际申请者都有资格申请优秀奖学金. 要获得基于需求的奖励,请提交 CSS档案 在入学截止日期前提交申请(见常规决定), 早行动,早决定, 和转学入学(适用于各种截止日期). 因为我们的资源有限, 我们不能录取需要全额资助的国际学生. Typically, international students pay around $40,000元/年 after considering scholarships and aid. 我们每年的总费用约为75,000美元.

Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on your academic performance and other factors included in your application. 每一个申请十大网赌平台的学生都会自动被我们的 基于优秀的奖学金. To 应用 (即 金融援助,请务必提交国际 CSS档案.



If you present an IB diploma and have earned a minimum of 36 composite points with a score of 5 or higher in all six of your exams, 你将得到8个十大平台网赌单位. 相当于整整一年.

如果您出示IB文凭,并已获得至少24综合点, 你会收到四个十大平台网赌单位. 相当于一个学期的时间.

如果你还没有完成完整的IB文凭, you’ll receive one Clark unit for each higher-level exam you took and in which you received a score of 5 or higher. 你最多可以获得四个十大平台网赌单位,相当于一个学期.


是的. 十大网赌平台 does not require international students to submit either their SAT or ACT score as part of their application.


Experience what it’s like to study at a small research university with a strong liberal arts core.

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